Hurricane Revenue

A few years ago Katrina devastated New Orleans.  This year Gustav barely missed New Orleans and just as I’m getting ready to go Maine tropical storm Hanna is bearing down on the East Coast. Weather messes up peoples lives but it also gets a lot of attention.

But while some see problems I see opportunities.  Why doesn’t the government sell naming rights to hurricanes and levees.  We sell naming rights to arena and stadiums, parks and freeways are being considered why not hurricanes.  They would get a ton of press for their sponsors.  Imagine: “Tropical storm Dakine (a sports company) is bearing down on Mobile, Alabama I hope the Bank of America Levees hold.”

Since hurricanes are an international phenomenon perhaps the naming revenue could go to the United Nations.  They could sure use the money.   “Hurricane Bank of Dubai has been upgraded to catagory 4 and is heading toward Haiti.”

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