Placebo Placebos

My Brother Tom sent me a link to an Australian web site that purports to sell placebos.

What a great business idea but not what we are talking about today.

The discussion of the Placebo Effect on the web site got us thinking about other placebos.  The ones that aren’t pills but that make us feel better without any measurable or scientific reason.

One of them is beauty.

We feel better, happier or more joyful in the presence of beautiful things.

Another thing that gives a placebo effect is feeling like we are helping.

So actions like “Raising Awareness” are a placebo for actually doing something.

Which raises the final question: Is god a placebo that for some people makes life worth living?



One Reply to “Placebo Placebos”

  1. Simon:

    You have proven my timeless adage, “Ignorance is opportunity.”


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