Free, Gratis

I put the green arm chairs from the old family room out by the street on Saturday morning.  These were the most comfortable chairs we had ever owned but they were getting a little long in the tooth.


goodbye wonderful green chairs

I made a small sign that said “Free, Gratis” and put it on them and went back in the house to get my camera to take a picture and got distracted. By the time I got back, fifteen minutes later, they were gone.

What a great country. What a relief. For some reason I’d been hanging on to them for eight months trying to sell them or give them to someone I knew. They filled a quarter of the garage and were an even bigger mental burden.

Many of the projects I want to work on begin with “first clean the garage …” and when the chairs were in there I couldn’t get myself started cleaning it. Possessions are a burden that often won’t let go of you. In this case Less is More!

Why did it take me so long? We will never have room for those chairs again. Our new chairs are better in every way but it still took almost a year to let them go. They also appear in lots of pictures so we can remember them. In fact we could probably make a green chair album. But we won’t.

Give something away that you aren’t using anymore. It will make you and the person who gets it feel better.

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