Harold the Heron

I liked Michelle “My Shell” so much that I named my new garden art using alliteration. I couldn’t get the double meaning thing to work.

Harold Moves

The heron sculpture is now Harold the Heron. Note his new location. See the old location

We are going to try a few other locations and it may be that he will be a migratory bird. He might look good in the front yard for a few months.  I would have to bolt him down out there since the little metal dog we had near the front door vanished.

3 Replies to “Harold the Heron”

  1. I’m moved. I have had a dog named after me (Wally the dog, a great Poodle in Denver that belongs to an archtect friend of mine), a clueless office worker named after me (“Wally” in the comic strip Dilbert, who my wife claims is so much my likeness, that she thinks the cartonist Scott Adams owes us royalities), but this is the first Heron that has been given my name sake. Tell Harold that the next time he is flying by Ventura to give me a call, we’ll do lunch.

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