Gasoline Prices vs Stamps

In 1971 gasoline was $0.35 a gallon in California and a first class stamp cost $0.08 now gasoline costs $4.00 and first class postage is $0.42. Gasoline has gone up by a factor of 11 and postage has gone up by only a factor of 5. Not what I expected and I’ll admit to trying to find a spot on the curve where stamps had gone up more than gasoline but I couldn’t find one. Gasoline is getting relatively more expensive.

Don’t panic.  People are incredibly ingenious. A hundred years ago whale oil got so expensive we had to discover petroleum. What will be next?

Postage Rate Information courtesy of AKDart

Gasoline price information courtesy of California Energy Commission

“A price increase is a message about scarcity.

Price controls are like shooting the messenger.”

Alexander Tabarrok

One Reply to “Gasoline Prices vs Stamps”

  1. Imagine if gasoline costs $7.00/gallon in your area.

    Experts predict it will rise that high.

    Obviously transportation costs will skyrocket for transporting food and goods to stores…and certainly they will pass this cost to us. I cannot imagine what things will cost then???

    Once again, savings will be the mantra, but I don’t believe that will be enough. We must find alternative ways to do things…conservation at the top of the list….everything from gas to food, water to electricity, etc.

    What would you do to conserve?

    To learn more about how you can increase your gas mileage visit

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