Barack Obama said on Saturday “What the American people are looking for is somebody who can solve their problems.”
Senator Obama I beg to disagree. What the American people want is a chance to solve their own problems. They don’t want an ever bigger federal government trying to solve everybody’s every problem. The American people know from experience that big government is not very good at solving “their problems”. The best way for people to solve their problems is personally and when that is not possible locally.
Now I like Barack Obama and I think that he would make a fine President but he has never worked in the private sector and he apparently has low regard for competition and the profit motive. The United States of America has delivered more of the goods and services that people want than ever before in history. It has accomplished this by having a constitutional, federal system with competing and limited governments. When Senator Obama tells people what “they are looking for” he is acting as an elitist member of the pandering class and I don’t like it.
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