Weeding Books

Last Sunday I went to the Library at PJTC (Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center) to help get ready for the Book Sale on October 28th.  I am the titular head of the library and call myself the “esteemed librarian” (formerly the “astute librarian”) but most of the real work is done by Sharon G. She is a trained librarian and is willing to work most Sunday mornings and keep the library open.  I do the publicity and communication with the Temple management.

The non fiction collection at PJTC

When Sharon arrived last Sunday she was ready to get to work and suggested that we spend some time working together weeding the collection.  “Weeding” when used by librarians means taking old, out-of-date, unpopular or damaged books out of the collection.  I immediately went into complaining and obfuscating mode.  I don’t have enough time, we need to be getting ready for the book sale, we don’t have a plan.  Sharon gently insisted that we could at least get started.  I agreed since I really only had a half an hour.  I was completely wrong.  Weeding is easy, it is therapeutic, it didn’t need a plan and you could get a lot done in a short time.

The first lesson I learned is: Stop complaining and get to work. 

The second lesson is: Weeding is a good technique for cleaning and tidying.

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