The Reality TV Walk of Fame

We watched the first episode of “Dancing With the Stars” last night and it made me think about reality TV and how it has grown. And then I had an idea:

A City like Burbank, CA, Bisbee, AZ or Monrovia, CA should create a

Reality TV Walk of Fame.

They could have stars on their downtown sidewalks for the winners, runner-ups personalities and hosts. The annual installation would be a big media event.  It would generate buzz for the City and its downtown, while also giving the reality show stars another shot of the publicity they crave.


Now I know your saying this guy is nuts. But think about it the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is in Cleveland. The town that succeeds at this will have to be first, reasonably well funded and will have to have a loose connection to a Reality TV show. You can have this idea.

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