Positive Jews in the News

Here is an idea for Jewish organizations like Federations and Temples to help their constituents, to expand their visibility and to increase their relevance in their respective communities.  Add a section to their newsletters, magazines and websites called “Jews in the News” which would highlight local community members who had been recognized in the greater community.  This would include things like:

  • Mrs K joined the board of X company
  • Mr W was named to head this hospital board
  • Steve G was granted full tenure at this University
  • A book written by Greg B was reviewed in the NYT
  • Mark and Melissa S have opened a new branch of their lighting store

It would give the individuals important recognition, it would help increase the communities justifiable self-pride and would give a volunteer opportunity to a few community members to work at home as a clipping service.

I had this idea yesterday while listening to the news of Elliot Spitzer and the prostitutes.  One of the radio commentators compared it to a Greek Tragedy.  I agree.  His sins were lust which is common and hubris which he always displayed but was never punished for before.

Nurit asked “Is he Jewish?”  I said “I think he is, and this reflects badly on all of us.”  That is when I had the idea for “Jews in the News.”