Postcards were an important means of communicating in the 19th and 20th centuries. But now in the 21st century as electronic communication and digital photography grow the postcard is becoming an anachronism. I have been sending these relics to a growing list of people for the last ten years or so and don’t worry I’m not going to stop. But I am going to start sending a weekly email postcard. If you would like to get the card with the clever saying you have to join the list by entering your email address on the upper right of this page. If you change your mind you can always unsubscribe. I’m using Constant Contact for list management so the names won’t be sold spindled or mutilated.
Each week there are four chances that you will enjoy the card: the picture, the ancient bad handwriting, the translation and the links. Just as with real postcards feedback is never required but always welcome.
This is clearly a transition idea for people like you and I who don’t Twitter and really don’t want to.
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