Hag Sameach

Hag Sameach means Happy Passover in transliterated Hebrew.


We had our family Passover last night which was a night early but it meant that more people could come so we adjusted.  Passover is all about food and telling the story of the exodus from Egypt.  In our family responsibility for the food is slowly transferring from Nurit’s folks to our children.  Lillian made the salad and entree courses that included a delicious baked fish.  Rebecca made Kosher for Passover Popovers that were a big hit and the desserts.  Nurit made Matzoh ball soup that was perfect.  I provided the wine and sang Dayenu.  Dayenu is a Hebrew word that means “that would have been enough.”  I said it after every course.

It was wonderful to celebrate this my second favorite holiday with the family.  July 4th is my favorite.  One of my sisters-in-law sent a card that perfectly captured a piece of the essence of the holiday. The front is above and this is the punchline:
