Local Food is Socialist Nonsense

This is a rant. I’m not opposed to peoples right to choose. I’m a pretty libertarian person and I want to let people choose whatever they want from the marketplace of ideas and from the commercial marketplace. No this is a rant about the government choosing to give freebies to the well off at the expense of the poor. This is a rant about welfare for the rich. Local governments around the country allow public land to be used for “Farmers Markets.” The price of the local, organic, natural food is therefore a bit cheaper than it would be if the farmers had to pay rent like Ralphs or Target where regular people have to shop. By rewarding local food choices governments are thwarting the marketplace and in the long run are causing food prices for the poor to be higher.

There are lots of good arguments on both sides about food safety, quality and availability. I could list them here but it wouldn’t change anybodies mind. I just want you to know that when you buy those local, organic, heirloom tomatoes at the “Farmers Market” you are a beneficiary of welfare for the rich.

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