A Mysterious Ancient Henge

In the UCLA Clark Library the Head Librarian, Nina Schneider had opened some of the books that had maps and displayed them for the Map Society to take a look at.  One of the books was open to a picture that looked like a henge.


Mystery Henge

But not Stonehenge.  The book from the 17th century was, I think,  a gazetteer of English Counties in Latin.  The illustration is in the Oxfordshire chapter and Stonehenge is in Salisbury.


I promise to go back down to the Clark and get more details.  In the meantime as a result of a talk I gave about the US Mexico border I have discovered a new ancient henge find in a book at a library in Los Angeles.  Talk about serendipity.

5 Replies to “A Mysterious Ancient Henge”

  1. Those are called The Rollright Stones. The giveaway is the set of stones off to the lower right – called the Whispering Knights.

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