Word Change

In my life time the word “gay” has had a dramatic meaning shift.  “Gay” used to mean “exuberantly happy”.  Now it is an informal word for homosexual.  I’m not saying that this is a bad thing.  There was a need for casual non-derogatory word for homosexual.  “Gay” fit the bill perfectly.  Now we need a word for “exuberantly happy.”

The purpose of this post is to alert you to a similar word meaning shift that is occurring right now.  “Special” means outside of the normal.  Something “special” used to imply a good thing: a special relationship, a special treat or a special event.  But that is changing.  A decade or so ago “special” was taken by social workers and used instead of “retarded”or “handicapped.”  So now we have special needs children and the Special Olympics and the meaning of “special” is shifting from different in a positive way to different in a negative way.

We know that over time language changes and adapts.  It is rare that we can hear it happening.  Now that is special.

Your assignment is to write me a comment on another word that has a meaning shift going on.  Or, if you can’t think of one, my use of quotation marks in this piece.

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2 thoughts on “Word Change

  1. what about guy, it is a tension member used to steady something as in a guy wire. Then there is queer which use to be eccentric or odd and has fallen out of favor replaced by gay. So we could have a “special queer gay guy friend” and have a “good but oddly happy and steady friend”

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