Whale Sharks in Baja

In March the Codger Divers went to Utila with the hope of seeing whale sharks.  We had a good time but failed to see any whale sharks.  A few months ago my neighbor Jose M. told me that there were whale sharks in Bahia de Los Angeles, Baja California.  Howard and I drove down on Tuesday and dove with Ricardo Arce today and we saw them.


In fact we saw several.  One was named Francine.  They are huge and fast but extremely gentle.  I had borrowed Mark Z’s underwater camera for this moment so I was able to take several excellent pictures of the inside of the lens cap. And a few like this:


Ricardo found a spot where Francine was circling and Howard formed a special bond with her.  I took the picture:


Details about 12 feet with a mouth the size of a large trash can.

See all of my Bahia de Los Angeles posts

5 Replies to “Whale Sharks in Baja”

  1. Dear Codger Diver–
    Simon, you are such a rennaissance man/explorer!! Had never heard of a whale shark before.
    Love that you stay in touch.
    All is well here–doing a bit of contract work for 2 organizations–from time to time. Still having fun.
    Hope family is fine!
    Fondly, Linda

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