A New Collectable

Do you recognize what is in this picture? You can click on the picture to see a larger image.


They are the little label that come on fruit, you know, with the secret code number. I predict that they will become a serious collectable in the next few years. I checked e-bay and there are already a few for sale in amongst the vintage orange crate labels. Imagine the joy of having a 1995 Gala Apple 3548 from Oregon in mint condition. I think they will be the postage stamps of the future.

This would be a great project for elementary school teachers. The kids could collect a free thing that would relate to geography, health and math.  It would be a fun learning experience.  They could stick them all on a world map board for instance or try to figure out the secret behind the code numbers.

The reason I have such great ideas is that I am an Ideapreneur.

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