The Station Fire

If you are looking for information on the Station Fire here are a few resources you can try:

My Blog about reopening the Mount Wilson Toll Road has a few pictures and my claim to prescience.

The Altadena Blog has very timely information about the fire

The Mt Wilson Towercam has real-time pictures of the Summit of Mt Wilson

The Altadena Weather cam

And the LA Times site has Maps and Photos that are only a few hours out of date


We feel pretty safe here in Sierra Madre Villa.  The wind is low, the fire is at least five miles away uphill and the fire fighting resources are well organized to save structures.  It is smoky, the sky color is eerie and the noise of the fire plane and helicopters creates a sense of urgency but we are safe.  The television news exacerbates the sense of drama and urgency.  We have friends in La Canada who were evacuated but they are now back home and everything is fine.

2 Replies to “The Station Fire”

  1. kpcc interviewed someone from la canada who had moved back in to their home and they sounded pretty calm. i’m sure they’re very worried about their transmitter on mt. wilson though. glad you feel safe. see you tonight!

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