
You probably heard that the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) had the an obesity conference last week.  It was called (I am not making this up):

Weight of the Nation.

The conference was held in Washington DC where the CDC customer base is located.  The meals of course were provided by The Cheescake Factory.  It was the perfect meals venue since according to the website “The Cheesecake Factory is famous for generous portions.”

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I have written about obesity before.  In “Obesity Helps the Planet” I argue that obesity helps fight global warming.  In “Cause of Obesity Discovered” I reveal the actual cause of America’s obesity crisis.

There is an upside to the “obesity crisis” in 1943 a famine killed 3,000,000 people in Bengal, India.  In 2009 for a whole variety of reasons it is unlikely that a famine will kill millions.  One of those reasons is that food is really really cheap.  So of course people will tend to eat too much of it.  In my mind having unhealthy fat people in our society is a small price to pay for ending starvation in the world.

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