The Comfort Crisis by Michael Easter is a well written book about how our actions have changed since we were hunter gatherers and the effects of those changes on our happiness and well being.
It was recommended by my good friend Wally G. I first listened to it on Audible and there were so many quotable phrases in it that I have since bought it on Kindle so I can mine it for quotes on my blog. Much of the book for me was confirmation bias about the benefits of endurance hiking and associated activities. The part that was new for me was about how being stressed, bored or in danger contributes to health and happiness. He points out that the advent of mobile devices means we never have to experience boredom, or in many case the physical world, at all.
The book does not prescribe a program but it does describe some ideas that have worked for others and it motivated me to change some of my behaviors. And did I mention there is a Caribou hunt.
Highly recommended.
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