Henging Update

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I received via email the following extremely good news from Goodwill of Southern California:

Hey Simon,

That’s really cool, have no problem letting you borrow some laptops for your project as long as people know the laptops were provided by Goodwill of Southern California, thanks a lot for considering Goodwill of Southern California

Give me a 3 day heads up so I can prepare the laptops or you can come choose them.

Albert Montanez Recycling Manager
Goodwill of Southern California

This means that the double henge scheduled for November 12 at 3.30 will include laptophenge and pighenge. Thankfully we don’t have to build drinkumbrellahenge yet. Mark your calendars and bring your cameras, a good time will be had by all. Alan W. will be providing a Shiraz perfectly suited to the event, the autumnal weather and the plastic cups. To learn more about henging click here. Please email in your reservations so we can keep you informed about the venue (sounds olympian doesn’t it) and any changes. This will be an opportunity for you to take that old computer off the closet floor and bring it along for recycling.

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