Heavy Machinery Fantasy Camp

Here is an idea I’ve been tossing around for years and never did anything with.  I mentioned it to my friend Ken G. a few days ago and he liked it so much he thought I should test it.  So here it is: a one week camp for upper middle class men who have always wanted to drive bulldozers, backhoes and dump trucks.


The camp would be near a nice resort and would be modeled on the sports fantasy camps that are quite popular today.  It would have instructors named Al and Bud and lunch would be served in real lunch pails.  Swearing would be encouraged. After receiving instruction everybody would be able to operate all of the equipment.  There might be a simulator for training.

The cost would be high probably in the $3000 per week range but the video you bring home of you operating a Caterpillar D9 would make it worthwhile.  A trip with the guys to fullfill a childhood dream.  More macho than golf, fishing or diving.

If this sounds like a good idea to you send me a comment in the area below.  If it gets enough positive feedback Ken G. or somebody else might run with the idea.

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2 thoughts on “Heavy Machinery Fantasy Camp

  1. Simon: You’ve had some great ideas over the past 30 years, but this is one of your best (i.e. Heavy Machinery Fantasy Camp). If I had a dollar for everyone that has asked me over the years who I know in the way of subcontractors that could get them on some heavy metal to push dirt aroung, I can’t tell you how wealthy I would be. I think this is the perfect baby boomer camp and its’ time has come. Good luck to someone moving it forward. I think your first student will be my mother-in-law, who has questioned me many times over the years where she could do this (and as Dave Berry say, “I’m not making this up !”).

    Best Regards, Wally

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