Nudibranchs, Sea Horses and Clown Fish

These are the little three of exciting things to see on the reef in the Philippines.  So I have put together a little slide show of Chris H, Steve D and Gene B’s pictures of Nudibranchs, Sea Horses and Clown Fish on Flickr.


The clown fish were fascinating. They are beautiful and they live in a unique symbiotic relationship with anemones which are poisonous.


The nudibranchs are the newly discovered star of the reef.  They are weird, small and easy for the dive masters to show people because they move very slowly.  Nudibranch means roughly “lungs outside.”


We saw several different types of sea horses.  I only saw the miniature one shown above in the digital photo because it was to small for me to see on the reef through my mask.  It is right in front of Jerry’s finger and is about the size of a large grain of rice.   In a week and a half of diving Jerry (the worlds greatest dive master) showed us five or six sea horses.  In the previous 140 dives I had seen one maybe two.  This does not include the elusive red sea horse whose picture you can see by clicking here.

Click on this photo to see the whole set of photos:

Nudibranchs, Sea Horses and Clown Fish

you might be able to see the miniature sea horse

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