Another Good Idea Gone Bad

The photo above shows a part of the Panorama Trail in Yosemite National Park. Sometime in the first half of the 20th Century the trail was covered with a few inches of asphalted like it was a small road. There are remnants like this all over the high country of Yosemite.

It is important to ponder that 70 or a hundred years ago enough people thought that it was a good idea that it got done. Now not so much. The tar is an environmental hazard, it is ugly and hiking on asphalt is not real hiking. What else do we do today that will it turns out be bad ideas in a few generations or even less.

For instance government insurance for bankers so they have risk free money to loan. For example: Student Loans, The FDIC,

How about letting Public Employees Unionize? How is that working out?


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