Pot Holes

We have food in abundance, clean water to drink, remarkably good healthcare, we can venture out at night without fear and we complain about potholes in the roads. It is not the roads that are a problem it is our perspective.

Photo is from the Chiricahua Mountains in Southern AZ

2 Replies to “Pot Holes”

  1. Simon, The farmers are doing their job with food production, the civil engineers are doing their job with clean water to drink, the doctors are providing health care, the police protect our streets at night but you want to give a pass to the road crews.

  2. Good point Gene
    Crops fail, patients die, there is some crime but we focus on the roads that are bad. I’m leaving the clean water out of the discussion.
    Maybe we should invent the potholeomatic that actually does the job so the repair lasts.

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