Harold to the Rescue

To try and keep the great blue heron from eating all of the fish I enlisted the help of Harold the Heron.

P1050007.JPG Harold in a “great” blue disguise.

I bought Harold last summer from Malen Pierson a great found materials sculptor.  He has been living by the side of the pond since.  Now he has moved out to a more prominent position along with the umbrella and the bench.  All of this in an attempt to keep the real great Blue away.


The ever vigilant Harold

We shall see.  See the original story here.

2 Replies to “Harold to the Rescue”

  1. OOooh, Harold the Great! And he’s BLUE!! Is there any evidence to suggest that blue herons can act as same specie scarecrows? Perhaps a red tablecloth would work well, too! Or, how about this: A vulture tablecloth… p

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