Clone Henge

Well while I dithered a couple of brilliant people have started Clone Henge.  The site focuses on henges around the world.  They found me through Flickr and featured our post about Laptop Henge.


Carrothenge by Rachel B

I am adding them to my blog roll and I highly recommend their posts on:


Maryhill, Washington

Here is a second order idea.  How about a henge of henges?

I made a list of henge ideas a few years ago that I never posted.  Its still in my pending list of blog posts.  I did suggest some Microhenges.  The list could be submitted to the virtual henge web site mentioned on clonehenge.

And finally, I promise, a word about henge etymology.  Stonehenge is not called Stone henge.  It is about the spaces.  To be etymologically correct Clonehenge should not be called Clone henge.  In fact I will take a bold stand on this issue if it has a space (ie pez henge) it is not a henge.

BTW Etymology is the study of word usage.  Entomology is the study of insects.  Grasshopperhenge?

4 Replies to “Clone Henge”

  1. Thank you for the good words and the link! You know, we did see the error of our ways not long after the blog began and tried to change the name unsuccessfully. Maybe we’ll look into it further.

    That big replica is at Maryhill, Washington. Easy mistake to make.

    A second hengefest is a good idea. We don’t know the fellow who held the other one, or whether he’s interested in doing it again. Why don’t you host it? Love the carrothenge!

  2. Thanks for the correction on Maryhill. We went there once and although it is the nearest reproduction of Stonehenge we have been to it completely lacked the essence and the aura.

  3. This just in–Captain Henge, perpetrator of IVHF 2007, has volunteered to host International Virtual Henge Fest 2009. He is now accepting henge photos at captainhenge@ (remove the space after @). The battle is joined.

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