A Immigration Trade Proposal

Why would the Federal Government print a new health insurance card in two languages. Isn’t this the reason that lots of people don’t like immigration. They know intuitively that it is a lot harder to run a bilingual country and they want to transact their business in English. It is making me crazy, so here is an idea: Write a law that allows an amnesty for people who have been here ten years and are good citizens. Contingent on: The amnestied group learning English and waiting a number of years before qualifying for citizenship. Additionally the Federal Government will stop any attempts to be multilingual except in matters of safety and security.

This would mean no bilingual forms, phone trees or Medicare cards. And it would mean that about 12 million people could come out of the shadows. And finally it would mean that the center of the country would be heard in English about the importance of English.

By the way each language group would in no time develop translation bots and apps that would provide better service than the government at much lower cost. Smart phones strike again.


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