An Ubertunity

Uber uses smart phone technology to pair people who need rides with people who have cars and time. It is a brilliant idea. AirBnB does the same thing with extra rooms. These are big disruptive changes to how business has been done. Uber is causing major ripples in the Taxi/Government monopoly on transport in cities.

Here is another area that needs Uberizing. Parking. Every day thousands of people leave their parking spaces at home and drive to their parking spaces at work. One or the other of these parking spaces is empty most of the time.  Why not monetize the empty space by using Uberology.  Basically when you’re not in one of your spaces Uberpark rents it out. It will be empty when you get home and at the end of the month you get money deposited into your account.

New word reference: Ubertunity, Uberizing, Uberology and Uberpark.

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