Here is an implementation plan for the idea of using the American Idol model for selecting political candidates. I have promoted the American Idol Model for selecting the presidential candidates a cou...Read More
“This is the dawning of the age of Obamarus” With apologies to the artists of The Fifth Dimension and Hair the age of Obamarus is as ephemeral as Aquarius. I wish that I had the ability ...Read More
What a great country. The election of Barack Obama (I just added Barack and Obama to my on-line dictionary) and the gracious acceptance of defeat by John McCain are evidence how great it is. Altho...Read More
As the returns are starting to come in the probable election of Barack Obama to the presidency and the concurrent control of both houses of the Congress by the liberal wing of the Democrat party makes...Read More
I had a discussion with a friend at the Temple the other day about Obama, taxes and helping the poor. Both Obama and my friend want to increase taxes on the wealthy to pay for more help for the poor...Read More
This is the season when everything is political. Everybody I know and some people I don’t know are willing to give me their opinion on the elections. It was refreshing at the Sushi bar last we...Read More
Zvents This site is a compilation of events by area, by type. If you type in “Pasadena, wine tasting, next week.” It find you choices. If you type in “Arcadia, shoe sales.̶...Read More
This link is from Richard Baehr one of the smart people on the Country Walkers hiking trip in Maine. Rich writes articles for a political blog that appears to be more thoughtfu...Read More
This article is long but worth the read: What Makes People Vote Republican By Jonathan Haidt I received it from Michael Schermer at the Skeptic Society. It should make for some very good discussio...Read More
“Poor People have been voting for Democrats for the last 50 years,……….and they are still poor.” Charles Barkley Thanks to Joe S. for this great quote....Read More