I heard that in Baltimore during the recent riots they looted supermarket salad bars. No Justice. No Chickpeas Having told that joke I get why there is rioting. If I was a young black male anywhere in...Read More
Both the Left and the Right denounce crony capitalism, The right is furious about the cronyism, and the left is furious about the capitalism. Jonah Goldberg Meanwhile I’m training to hike Mt Whi...Read More
“The United States must recognize that the threat posed by substate actors is one that must be managed rather than eradicated.” Austin Long in A Dangerous World...Read More
“You can fool all of the people all of the time if the advertising is right and the budget is big enough.” Joseph E Levine The original Lincoln quote....Read More
It seems to be working. The sign had to be chained to the pole to keep it from being stolen. In Florida they also have a particularly onerous trespassing law as explained here: “Because we car...Read More
“The simplest way to help the poorest Asians would be to buy more from sweatshops, not less” Nicholas Kristof. It is counter-intuitive but true. By buying the stuff they make you ensure them...Read More
President Obama has failed and conservatives should be rejoicing. One of his signature promises was to do something about income inequality. He has failed. The rich in America are getting richer...Read More
The next president will almost certainly be a woman so get used to saying “Madam President.” The Democrats will in all likelihood nominate Hillary Clinton and if the Republicans want to have a c...Read More
“Monopolies invariably produce bad products at high prices.” Ted Forstmann speaking about Taxi and Public School monopolies. Remember this when you think about our healthcare system....Read More