A lot of people could be employed in the tedious work of digitizing and cataloging old books and records. I seems it would be a better way of distributing money than welfare or eternal unemployment ch...Read More
President Biden, in his first week as President, has moved to restrict domestic oil supply and to piss off the Saudi Arabians by stopping arms sales. I expect this will cause gasoline prices to rise s...Read More
As I understand it the objective of developing vaccines for Covid was to minimize deaths from the virus. Our current policy is not doing that as well as it could. We are vaccinating many people at low...Read More
“In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds.” Martin Luther King Jr The rest of the quote reads: “Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for fre...Read More
Liars think everybody lies, cheaters think everybody cheats and thieves think everybody else steals. It is a cliche but President Trump is evidence of the underlying truth of this cliche. He should be...Read More
“We’re not limited by what we have done or what we have left undone. We’re limited only by what we’re willing to do.” President George W Bush From a speech to the NAACP in July 2...Read More
Just before the election I predicted that Biden would win in a landslide and that Republicans would be in the political wilderness for a generation. I was right about the winner but completely wrong a...Read More
“We also need what no government can provide, the power of compassion and prayer and love.” George W Bush From a speech to the NAACP in July 2000...Read More