My ticket to the MEDICARE Buffet

It came in the mail yesterday and I can start using it on July 1st. “If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it is free.” P.J. O’Rourke


We (the royal we, since it is mostly me) build an occasional henge as installation art.  Henges are a great photo-op and a fun mixer opportunity.  See more henge stuff here  Yesterday for my 65th birthday which was a few months ago we had a lovely party and an interesting henge.  I have built a …

Sweater Henge

Sweater Henge or SweaterHenge Is coming on August 26 to Pasadena A celebration of Simon’s reaching the head of the line at the Medicare Buffet. If you come bring a sweater to donate. It won’t be destroyed and will end up helping a good cause.