Congress Moves

Like all other large bodies, where there is a variety of different interests to reconcile, their deliberations are slow.

George Washington, 1783

During the winter of 1783 Congress was dithering and the Continental Army was starving. A seditious letter was circulated at Newburgh and Washington made a speech, which included the line above, to quell the potential rebellion. He succeeded and that summer Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown.

Our government has always been slow and it has often been wrong but eventually it does the right thing. My point now is: if we don’t help Ukraine now with weapons, like the French helped us during the revolution, then we will soon be sending soldiers to Poland.

The photo is a combination of two interests: Inukshuk and Zelensky

Words Seldom Seen: Fanboy


Noun: A male fan. For example: “Bill is a big fanboy of Zelensky.”

or Verb: A male being overly enthusiastic. For example: “Bill has a tendency to fanboy about the UCLA of the last century.”

This is a new word, the meaning is evolving. It is also a portmanteau. I am a fanboy of Zelensky.

Zelensky Plays in Peoria

Zelensky Plays in Peoria

I am a “Fanboy” of President Zelensky. In my view he single-handedly saved Ukraine from Putin and his group. And I have the action figure to prove my fandom.

My President Zelensky action figure appeared many times during 2023. His first appearance was in July 2023. He made at least 14 appearances during the remainder of the year. This photo was taken outside the police HQ in Peoria, AZ.

Zelensky Plays in Peoria! We have the data.

Happy New Year Two

As 2023 ends I want to express again my solidarity with Ukraine and with Israel. You are both in fights you didn’t start, against foes who have evil intent. I wish you success in 2024. On to victory.

Hamas and Putin have to go.

The photo of Zelensky was taken in London last summer.


“Physics doesn’t care about feelings.”

Elon Musk

Photo is of President Zelensky in Chicago pleading for naval weapons. We can discuss whether we like Musk at length but we can agree that he has made the world a better place.


“I don’t do alcohol anymore—I get the same effect just standing up fast.”


President Zalensky with his new troops. It is time for Congress to fund the fight against Putin.

Words Seldom Seen: Risible


Adjective: So lacking in quality or usefulness that it deserves to be laughed at.

Example: “Israel seeking peace with Hamas is risible since Hamas refuses to accept Israel’s right to exist.”

Photo: King Charles III holding an informal audience with President Zelensky. It could be risible.