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Remote Idea

At a hotel I stayed at in North Carolina they had a “Clean Remote” for the TV. Apparently there are enough people in the world who worry about germs on remote controls to make this product feasible.  It reminded me of when remotes were new and the hotels bolted them down to keep them from being stolen. “Lets stay at the Blank Hotel they have a clean remote.” What an amazing world we live in.

Television Thoughts

I was talking to a missionary from the Calvary Church a week or so ago and I threw out one of my stock lines:  “Karl Marx said that “religion is the opiate of the masses” but time has proved him wrong.  Television is the opiate of the masses.”  The missionary said “No your wrong.  It’s worse than that.  Television is a brainwashing machine.” He went on to explain that TV raises viewers expectations and shapes reality for them.  It tells them how to be happy… Read More »Television Thoughts

$2.1 Billion Baseball Sign

The LA Dodgers were sold for 2.1 billion dollars this week.  A billion dollars more than was expected and twice what a sports franchise has ever sold for.  I’m calling it the DVR premium.  Follow me on this for a minute and then I show you the next place where values are going to increase. A DVR (Digital Video Recorder) allows a viewer to fast forward through commercials.  So if your okay with watching CSI later you can watch it in 40 minutes by fast… Read More »$2.1 Billion Baseball Sign