Words Seldom Seen: Leitmotif


Noun: A leitmotif is a “short, recurring musical phrase” associated with a particular person, place, or idea. Leitmotif is also used in movies to create a sense continuity.

Example: “In the TV show Law and Order the piano chord leitmotif always precedes a court session.”

Another of the February sunsets in Phoenix.

The Greatest Glory

“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

Nelson Mandela

Photo credit to Tom Burrow. Phoenix from a tall building is the sunset capital of the world during the winter.


Sometimes a change in location occasions a change in perspective.

Sometimes a change of attitude is necessary. Note the improving ability to add words to the photos. It turns out the ability was there all along I just hadn’t discovered it permanently yet. Evolutionary progress is being made.


“It is easier to have a good attitude when one is well fed.”


I posted a discussion last month about whether attitude is learnable or is inherited. See Here It probably a little of both but this pearl succinctly points out the connection between security and a good attitude.

Not Old

“You’re not old, you’re “chronologically gifted.”

Thank you to Terry Campbell, Pueblo Grande Museum (Ret) for this great observation.

Be the Reason

“Be the reason that someone smiles today.”

A Phoenix sunset on 2/28/2023. Looking west on Camelback Rd at 22nd Street. Yes I stood in the road to take this picture. A saying printed on a postcard I received from India last week.


“Confidence is what you have before you understand the problem.”

Woody Allen

This is number 41 in the series: “Wisdom in ten words or less.” I’m changing formats again next week.