
“Uncertainty is one of the ingredients necessary to make a trip an adventure.”

If everything is organized then you are on a trip. In an adventure there is uncertainty. But uncertainty is not enough. There is uncertainty in the outcome of a soccer match but that does not make it into an adventure.

The puzzle continues.

Tap and Pay

The use of Tap and Pay in the UK particularly and Europe in general is far ahead of its usage in the USA. The implication of doing transactions entirely without money are enormous. It make things like a subway or taxi ride seem free until all of your credit is used.

(An Apology) To see the photo you will have to click on the title and go to my blog page until I solve the curious fact that photos are no longer being attached to my subscriber emails.

In Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely he cites studies that have shown that people act differently with money than with money substitutes like gift certificates. Tap and Pay which because of its convenience will become ubiquitous will change this relationship. Maybe for the better but maybe not. It is definitely another step away from State control of the money supply.

Change is……..

Trail Making

Trail making takes longer than trail following.

An important thing to remember when planning. Photo is of the Circumference Trail at Piestewa Peak. It is being rebuilt be a group of dedicated volunteers who work on it every Sunday morning.

A whistle

“As clean as a whistle?”

The phrase originated in the early 1900’s and is probably derived from an earlier expression: “As clear as a whistle.” Which referred to the clarity of a whistling sound and how far the high pitched noise would travel.

July 12, 1947

Happy Birthday Simon

In 1973 when I moved to California I changed my date of birth from July 12 to July 4. It was easy to do. When I went to get my California drivers license I put July 4, 1947 on the form and handed it to the clerk. For about thirty years I celebrated my birthday on July 4th. We often had a great party and most people believed that my birthday was July 4th. My best line was “It’s my birthday, why did you think July 4th is a holiday.”

This all changed when after 9/11/2001 security increased and I had to get it fixed. I was stopped driving across the border at Mexicali and my license didn’t match my passport. I was able to talk my way out of it but at the next opportunity I changed the date on my drivers license back to July 12th.

Now I am flexible. I’m so old that I barely celebrate my birthday and I’m happy with birthday wishes on either the 4th or the 12th. I hope they will keep coming for many years to come.

Hiatus Explained

From April until yesterday, July 6, I was serving on the Maricopa County Grand Jury. It met two days a week and so consumed a lot of my time and even more of my mental energy. I’m happy I did it and even happier it is over.


“Worry is pointless not only because it rarely makes things better, but also because you’re rarely ever worried about the right thing!”


Austrian poet and novelist.


The people we associate with define our happiness.”

Fay Vincent (Retired Baseball Commissioner).

I disagree. You define your happiness. Not the people you associate with nor the place where you are should be allowed to define your happiness.

Simon Burrow