
Brevity is the soul of wit.

William Shakespeare (from Hamlet)

The photo is of an Inukshuk I erected in the parking lot at Spur Cross Trailhead.

S’edav Va’aki

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

William Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet

The Pueblo Grande Museum has changed its name to S’edav Va’aki.

Washington DC

“With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come.”

William Shakespeare

This old postcard arrived from Columbus Ohio and since we are going to be in Washington DC I’m hoping to Folger Shakesperian Library and retake the image. We shall see. It appears that the library is closed but we should be able to get near it.

A Daw

“I am no wiser than a daw.’ No wiser than a daw.”

Shakespeare(Henry VI Act II)

From Lincoln’s Last Trial by Dan Abrams

The repeat in this quote is questionable. The judge was pontificating and making the point that there is much question about what testimony is admissible. The miss quote is his.