Happy New Year Two

As 2023 ends I want to express again my solidarity with Ukraine and with Israel. You are both in fights you didn’t start, against foes who have evil intent. I wish you success in 2024. On to victory.

Hamas and Putin have to go.

The photo of Zelensky was taken in London last summer.

Action Figures

Putin is a Serial Killer

We had fun with this President Zelensky Action Figure last week in Santa Fe. Plan on a few more Zelensky photos in the next week. My coconspirator on this project was Brian S.

Just to be clear I am a big fan of Zelensky. I have also been a proponent of sending a lot more weapons, including jets, a lot sooner. So think of these photos as fanboy photos.

We had fun getting him in some interesting places. It would be great to put the captions/maxims on every photo. But it’s right at the limit of my skill set and I haven’t practiced enough so it is time consuming. We shall see. I was successful getting the captions on the photos. Life is good.


In Russia today Stalin is the bad guy. The dead Tsar is a Saint. Lenin who killed the Tsar is still a hero. Putin is a popular politician and Simon is perplexed.