
Beach in Tel Aviv

“The speed of our forward motion is directly related to the velocity of the people around us.”

The photo is of the beautiful beach in Tel Aviv.

I was going to write more about Israel and the horror that Hamas brought to southern Israel but by the time you read this the situation will have changed. I hope that wise leaders from both sides can prevail and that the Palestinian Arabs can finally accept a compromise that allows Israel to peacefully exist and ttheir people to share the worlds prosperity.

“Peace on earth, goodwill to all.”

Happy Hanukkah

Happy Hanukkah

A country must be allowed to fight incursions that kill it citizens. I’m not a religious Jew but I will be praying this holiday season for moderate Palestinians and moderate Israelis to find ways to live and prosper together in peace. Shalom.


Sometimes if you want peace in the long term, you must accept war in the short term.

The photo is from an old (about 1900) photo album showing Israel as a mostly agrarian and sparsely populated land still ruled by the Ottoman Turks. The caption is in three languages: German, French and English.

May 17, 2012 Maxim

“If I win the Nobel Peace Prize,

you will know that I have failed.”

Tony Blair

speaking at the commencement of his Arab/Israeli diplomatic mission

as quoted by Jay Nordlinger in his new book:

Peace, They Say

A very good book about the Nobel Peace Prize and it’s winners.