Words Seldom Seen: Cromulent


Adjective: Perfectly adequate.

Example: The hotel room at the Motel 6 was cromulent.

This word was made up for an episode of The Simpsons in 1966. It must have filled a need and has become an acceptable word listed in the Webster’s Dictionary among other sources.

“The key to happiness is expecting cromulence.”

A turtle in Palau in 2015.

Words Seldom Seen: Stifle


Verb: To prevent something from happening, being expressed, or continuing.

Example one: “She barely stifled a yawn as he droned on.”

Example two: “The parliament stifled dissent by jailing the opposition.”

I joined a school of fish in Palau for a photo opportunity.

Words Seldom Seen: Elide


Verb: To suppress or alter a sound, a word or other fact.

Example one: “in the word “ain’t” we elide the r and the o sounds from are not.”

Example two: “while singing the praise of government action the press elided the consequence of the new dependency.”

The photo is again from Palau in 2015. A large friendly fish the name of which I have forgotten. In this description I elided the fact that the fish was begging to be fed.

Words Seldom Seen: Jetsam


Noun: Unwanted material or goods that have been thrown overboard from a vessel. Often to lighten the ship during a storm.

Example: “To try and save the ship they heaved the cannon overboard creating a large jetsam field.”

So to answer last weeks riddle: flotsam is accidental and jetsam is deliberate.

Photo is of a Japanese cannon from WWII rusting away in Palau. Taken in 2015.