Congress Moves

Like all other large bodies, where there is a variety of different interests to reconcile, their deliberations are slow.

George Washington, 1783

During the winter of 1783 Congress was dithering and the Continental Army was starving. A seditious letter was circulated at Newburgh and Washington made a speech, which included the line above, to quell the potential rebellion. He succeeded and that summer Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown.

Our government has always been slow and it has often been wrong but eventually it does the right thing. My point now is: if we don’t help Ukraine now with weapons, like the French helped us during the revolution, then we will soon be sending soldiers to Poland.

The photo is a combination of two interests: Inukshuk and Zelensky


Brevity is the soul of wit.

William Shakespeare (from Hamlet)

The photo is of an Inukshuk I erected in the parking lot at Spur Cross Trailhead.

Social Justice

“Social Justice” is a dangerous platitude. It implies that the normal justice system isn’t adequate for the current circumstances and that there is justice that is more fair. One of the dangers of “social justice” is that it is not actionable. It is not possible to get to equality of outcome so there will always be a need for more “social justice.” I understand the need and the danger in giving those who are behind at the start of the race a helping hand but don’t pretend it is social justice.

This Inukshuk was created in the Phoenix Mountain Preserve as part of the anti-Tiktok campaign.

Words Seldom Seen: Virga


Noun: Rain that falls from a cloud and evaporates before reaching the ground.

Example: “They watched the virga in the distance but continued the hike.”

Another quartz headed Inukshuk in the Phoenix Mountain Preserve.