WWIT About Impeachment

Donald Trump is not a Republican, he is a con man.

If I were a Senator I would vote to impeach former President Trump. If I was a Democrat Senator I would vote to impeach because what Trump did is unforgivable and it is a good move politically. If I were a Republican Senator I would vote to impeach because what Trump did is unforgivable and it is a good move politically in the long run.

The peaceful transfer of power is so important that anyone who tries to subvert it, however ineptly, deserves to be banned from the public square forever.

WWIT Impeachment

WWIT, Impeachment 

In December the house on a party line voted to impeach President Trump. Yesterday the Senate started his trial which will conclude with a party line vote acquitting President Trump. It is political Kabuki theater which has captured the attention of many of my friends. 

I’m pretty sanguine about it. I didn’t listen to any of the impeachment hearings and I won’t listen to any of the Senate trial. I do read the summary in the WSJ almost every day but usually the crossword takes precedence. 

Some random thoughts: