AI App

We need an AI App that sorts, tags, filters, crops and retouches digital photos exactly like you would have done it. The app can ask you to help it make decisions for a while.

BTW I have nearly 150,000 digital photos in the cloud. Where eve that is.

The photo is a screen shot of my Photos app from February.

Made in Ghana

I earned this shirt as a volunteer at the Se’dav Va’aki Museum (formerly The Pueblo Grande Museum). But that is a different story.

This story is that the shirt was manufactured in Ghana. Here is proof:

If I were young and looking to help the poor and potentially make a lot of money I’d move to Ghana or Kenya and go to work in manufacturing. This shirt is proof that it can be done. For labor intensive manufacturing Africa for the next few years will be like China was twenty five years ago. The worlds low cost producer of low tech products.

Virtual Coronation

The Coronation of Charles III was a world wide hit for the UK and the royal family. I thought why don’t they do a reenactment every five years or so to attract more tourists? And perhaps they could do more Medieval rituals using the British Armed Services but it would be a struggle to overcome the bureaucratic objections. Then I had a private enterprise idea that is a surefire money maker and is very doable.

I propose that someone use the footage from the coronation of Charles III and the technology from Immersive Van Gogh to make an Immersive Coronation Experience in London. If you have been to the Immersive Van Gogh you will understand how wonderful it could be to be in Westminster Abbey during the coronation and then to be in the front row for the parade back to Buckingham Palace.

Larry B, Matt B and James A.

Earned Prosperity

A lot of people could be employed in the tedious work of digitizing and cataloging old books and records. I seems it would be a better way of distributing money than welfare or eternal unemployment checks.

If the owners of the moldering archives were incentivised to get it done, it would create an opportunity for small businesses and give low skilled people work.

What Did You Say?

It is often noisy in restaurants. Bose or one of their competitors should invent a noise cancelling device that makes it less noisy. They have done it with headphones.

I’m visualizing an Alexa looking pod on the table that cancels noise from everyone outside of a six foot circle. So that loud man at the next table doesn’t disrupt your dinner.

Photo is Nurit and I having High Tea at the expensive hotel in Victoria BC in 2006.


It is the beginning of the NFL playoffs so here is an idea to make it a little bit safer: Quarterbacks should wear a different color since there are different rules for tackling them. This is how they saved the goalies in Soccer.

Last year BC (Before Covid) I predicted that football would have at best another ten years before it became indefensible as a blood sport. Covid might move up that schedule. I like football and I think that sports generally are a net positive for the world in many ways but there are too many injuries in Football the way it is played today for it to survive intact.

Mount Simon

In the photo there is a small peak just to the right of Piestewa. I want it to be named Mount Simon. Suddenly this is a revenue idea for the Phoenix Park and Recreation Department. Sell virtual naming rights to all of the minor peaks, knolls, valleys, canyons and other land features in the city. The naming rights would expire in twenty years and the names would only show up on the computerized and cleverly named maps accessible on your smart phone or printed on your very handsome certificate.

Who would pay for the right to name a hill. It is the perfect gift for an old hiker like me so my children would almost certainly buy me one or two. I propose that a gulch be $100, a knoll be $300 and a real hill be $800. Projected annual revenue two to three million dollars.

Overcoming your obvious objections to this new idea:

  • It is not new. They have been doing it with stars for a long time.
  • It is not permanent. they can be renewed, resold or cancelled in twenty years.
  • It is not demeaning to sell temporary naming right to things. The buses are full of ads for ambulance chasing lawyers, the freeways are cleaned by the local Travel Lodge and Major League Baseball has an official tire (Hankook). Think Stadiums.

Photo is Piestewa Peak (recently renamed) from the lake at Granada Park.

Tipping Statues

In 2017 I advocated removing this statue of Judge Roger Taney from the Capital building in Maryland. I haven’t changed my mind. But the recent flurry of “tear down this or that statue. Gave me a business idea.

Buy some land in Texas or Arkansas and start the Museum of Fallen Heroes. It will be a drive through museum so the construction costs will be low and it will have something to offend everybody.

Facemask Hat

A face mask baseball cap combination has a lot of a advantages. Your mask is on your hat so you won’t forget it, It is handy when you need it, It is virtue signaling made easy.

Nurit and I had this idea yesterday. Please feel free to steal it, improve it and be the first to market. You can thank me later.