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“Cremation is my last hope for a smoking hot body” A popular meme with many creators. The photo was taken by my Great, Great Uncle J.C.Burrow at a church yard in Cornwall about 1900. I used it to demonstrate how the treatment of human remains has changed over time.

Lev Malone

Lev Malone evolves.. Becomes “Leve M alone” becomes “Leave Me Alone.” Think of it as code: Lev Malone means “Leave me Alone.” The flowers are unknown. The photo was taken on a recent hike along the Arizona Canal near 24th St.

Where is….

The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement. Photo is one of the three or four jigsaw puzzles we finished on our family trip to Healdsburg, CA.


“Anything is edible if you’re brave enough.” Variously Attributed (I heard it from Anthony R.) In one day on the Illinois River we counted 19 Bald Eagles. It is more proof that we are treating the environment much better than our parents and grandparents. And yet feeling worse about it.


“A status symbol today is a cell phones. It seems everyone has one clipped onto their belt or purse or in their pocket. I can’t afford one. So I’m wearing my garage door opener.” Anonymous Photo is of a sunset in Healdsburg CA. I had walked up the road to try and get the lone cow photo shown yesterday and when I turned around I saw the real shot. Life is good.

Reassuringly Expensive

Reassuringly Expensive Luxury Goods need to be Reassuringly Expensive. Think about it. Is it the opposite of Bargain Hunting? Photo is Zelensky searching for weapons in Napa.


“Knowledge makes one humble. Ignorance make one proud.” Confucius Nothing says Happy Christmas like a 20 foot high inflatable reindeer.


“I don’t do alcohol anymore—I get the same effect just standing up fast.” Anonymous President Zalensky with his new troops. It is time for Congress to fund the fight against Putin.

Words Seldom Seen: Risible

Risible Adjective: So lacking in quality or usefulness that it deserves to be laughed at. Example: “Israel seeking peace with Hamas is risible since Hamas refuses to accept Israel’s right to exist.” Photo: King Charles III holding an informal audience with President Zelensky. It could be risible.


“Football combines the two worst features of American life: violence and committee meetings.” George Will