WWIT about the US 2024 Election

WWIT (What Was I Thinking) about the Trump vs Biden rematch for President of the United States?

  • A lot can change in six months
  • Neither of these men has the skill set to be President
  • We need younger people in charge
  • If the election were held tomorrow I wouldn’t vote for either of these men
  • I wouldn’t vote for Trump because he is a hateful unpredictable person
  • I wouldn’t vote for Biden because he sold out Israel at the UN, only halfheartedly had Ukraine’s back and is willing to subvert the constitution ie student debt
  • A lot can change in six months.

People tend to be herd animals and they adapt their opinions to match those around them.
Currently I predict that Biden will win but it will be close.

The photo is of another great Arizona sunset. This post was created using my iPad. I usually use my MacBook but if I can make my iPad work for my blog it will make my summer travels much easier. Let me know.