WWIT about the US 2024 Election

WWIT (What Was I Thinking) about the Trump vs Biden rematch for President of the United States?

  • A lot can change in six months
  • Neither of these men has the skill set to be President
  • We need younger people in charge
  • If the election were held tomorrow I wouldn’t vote for either of these men
  • I wouldn’t vote for Trump because he is a hateful unpredictable person
  • I wouldn’t vote for Biden because he sold out Israel at the UN, only halfheartedly had Ukraine’s back and is willing to subvert the constitution ie student debt
  • A lot can change in six months.

People tend to be herd animals and they adapt their opinions to match those around them.
Currently I predict that Biden will win but it will be close.

The photo is of another great Arizona sunset. This post was created using my iPad. I usually use my MacBook but if I can make my iPad work for my blog it will make my summer travels much easier. Let me know.

Building Bad Better

I saw a video on TikTok of a Republican congressman claiming that the Build Back Better legislation as proposed by the Congress included money to pay the salaries of reporters. I thought it couldn’t be true so I did some research. Sure enough the bill includes a provision to give $1.6 Billion to local media outlets to pay staff. As the congressman said “What could possibly go wrong.” The media would become even more supportive of the “do something about everything” mentality of the government bureaucracy.

On top of being a probable violation of the second amendment it reeks of the kind of elitist “help ourselves and hang the nation” attitude that a part of the Democrat party has come to represent. It doesn’t look like Build Back Better is going anywhere but this section should definitely be stricken from successor legislation.

King George IV put a tax on paper in the colonies that so angered Benjamin Franklin and other printers that they became vocal advocates of the revolution that founded our country. This is the inverse of that sentiment.

As the proverb says: “He who pays the piper calls the tune.” Is this what we want?

WWIT Afghanistan

President Biden ended the war in Afghanistan by letting the Taliban win. Over the next few years we’ll see the consequences. If our mission was to keep it from being used as a base for terrorism then it was working. If the mission was to make it into a modern democracy we failed.

The withdrawal was a mess as those things always are. The mess was exacerbated by some boneheaded decisions by military and civilian leaders. Often times the choices confronting you are all bad and you choose the least bad. That the other side was more effective and that our intelligence was faulty is not unexpected. But it is sad. Now we just have to hope that no more terrorism will be allowed to emanate from there by the “former” terrorists now in charge of the country.

Some people should face consequences for not having done a better job of predicting and preparing for the collapse of the Afghani army.

“The Americans have all of the watches but we have all of the time.” Another Afghan saying proves true.