Antelope Canyon

“A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever.”

John Keats

Some places are so sublimely beautiful they defy description. Antelope Canyon is one of them.

I took the photo five years ago the last time we visited. Hopefully in the next day or two I will be back there with my brother Tom. Life is good,

Not Just Desert

Most of what people call “desert” is not desert it is dry land forests. Some are Saguaro Forest, some are Joshua Tree Forests, some are Mesquite Forests and there are many other varieties and of course lots of Mixed Cactus Forests. Once you start to see Arizona as a forest it can change the way you see our terrain. “Look there’s a grove of Teddy Bear Cactus.” or “See how the Ocotillo stand is growing on the north side of the wash.”

Corona Virus Day Seven

I’m feeling less fatigue this morning. I do feel a little bit achy but I’m old and some is expected. I may be a day or two from being symptom free.

The photo this morning is of an open pit copper mine in Bisbee AZ.

Table Mountain Tableau

Simon conquers Table Mountain. This was taken at the end of Table Mountain Trail. Of course it was at the end of the trail near the car. We had a great hike but did not get to the top of Table Mountain. Most of the hike was in a beautiful Saguaro Forest.

Micro Tourism Birds

A nesting Great Horned Owl

We spent the weekend in southeastern Arizona and stayed at the Casa de San Pedro. One of the main activities there is bird watching because there are a lot of birds. The high point for us was seeing the Sandhill Cranes returning from their morning feed.

Lots of people Come to the area around Bisbee but there really isn’t a lot to do. Which makes it perfect for micro tourism. I bought a fleece at the gift shop and they gave me some free postcards.