“In the centuries following the Peloponnesian War, Athens became the first in a long line of senescent Western powers to suffer the ignominious transformation from world power to open-air theme ...Read More
“It is easier to wax elegiac for the life of a peasant when you do not have to use a long-drop toilet.” Matt Ridley, Author The Rational Optimist (p. 12). ...Read More
I just finished The Ascent of Money by Niall Ferguson. He has an interesting new spin on the current financial crisis. I again failed in my quest to find a way to guarantee the preservation of ass...Read More
Capirotada is a book about Nogales written by Alberto Rios. Capirotada is also a Mexican bread pudding. Read the book and you will learn about food and the border and immigrants. Here is my review...Read More
In The Rational Optimist Matt Ridley make a terrific case that what make human’s special is our propensity to share, specialize and trade. As a result of this propensity we have created a virt...Read More
Here is a Henge that didn’t work. The proportion is wrong and the lintel doesn’t look right. I think it could be better with hot melt glue but it seems heretical to destroy books for whims...Read More