Hiking and Life

“Hiking is a bit like life: The journey only requires you to put one foot in front of the other…again and again and again. And if you allow yourself the opportunity to be present throughout the entirety of the trek, you will witness beauty every step of the way, not just at the summit.”

Author Unknown

Ranger Doug’s Rules

Ranger Doug’s Rules

  • Take Heart: For every uphill there is an equal and opposite downhill.
  • Rip Rap is not a type of Pop Music.
  • Giardia is not a chocolate factory in San Francisco.
  • Assume the signs are wrong.
  • Mosquitoes are not an endangered species
  • Never miss an opportunity to take off your pack and boots.
  • If you don’t like the weather wait 20 minutes.
  • The cure for boredom is adventure.
  • Mountain Lions, Rattlesnakes and Bears. Oh my!
  • Hydration is the cure. What is the problem?
  • Being in the high country is like living in a postcard.
  • Once in your life walk barefoot in a meadow.

Tax Thursday Four

The Extra Bathroom Tax

Before I arrived at the second home tax I was thinking about an extra bathroom tax. In fact I was even a bit more radical than that. We have lots of spare bedrooms and spare bathrooms.We have about a half a million homeless people in America by recent estimates. The answer is clear, we should tax the extra rooms or let the homeless move into them. This is a very progressive and caring idea. For many the virtue signaling reward from having a homeless man living in the spare bedroom will more than offset the inconvenience.

Some people will object so we can let them pay a tax. Perhaps $100 per year for the first extra bedroom or bathroom and and increasing rapidly after that. So that a couple living in a four bedroom, four bathroom house would pay about $3000 a year in “Help the Homeless Tax.”

Estimated revenue after we caught all of the cheaters: 15 Billion Dollars.