“It is easy to be wise in hindsight.” Simon Winchester in Knowing What We Know This is an interesting book that is certain to inform a great discussion of the declining importance of knowledge in ...Read More
Extraordinary, Ordinary People By Condoleezza Rice If you want to understand nuances of the black experience in America read this book. Put aside your politics and your preconceptions and immerse your...Read More
There is a feeling, often expressed, that we live in particularly tumultuous times. I often politely ask when we were not in “tumultuous times.” My argument is that “presentism”...Read More
“It is better to will the good than to know the truth.” Petrarch 1304-1374 Known by some as the first humanist and others as the prime mover of the Renaissance. I was introduced to him in The Rena...Read More
A Rift in the Earth by James Reston This is a short book that tells the story of the building of the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington DC. “Our nation lost its will for the war, and yet didn’t ha...Read More
Written by Fred Anderson. This is a book about the war that the British and the French fought about North America among other things. Most of what I learned about it was about the important role that ...Read More
Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely (2008) “One cannot mix social norms and market norms.” If you don’t believe this try to pay for Thanksgiving Dinner at you Mother-in-laws house. ...Read More
“Before printing the total number of books in Europe was well under one hundred thousand. By 1500, after forty-five years of the printed book, the total has been calculated at nine million.̶...Read More